Sunday, July 3, 2016

Signal Boost for "Arcane Perfection" and statement of position on trans-issues in the community

I know my readership is probably so small, it's null, but I still want to make this post on the chance that those who read this might discover a project that is very near and dear to my heart.  Arcane Perfection is an anthology with a submission deadline of August 1st that is open to queer, trans, and intersex witches. From what I understand, this is a response in part to the pile of transphobic hate speech that is coming out of those members of the goddess movement who are working on "Female Erasure" - a very transphobic collection of essays that is sadly only a few thousand away from reaching it's indie gogo goals and will soon be published. It is also an opportunity for trans voices in the witch and pagan community to be heard, to let the wider pagan world know that they are here and are not going anywhere just because society at large chooses to ignore them or  worse actively work to their erasure. If you are queer/trans/intersex and you are a witch, I think this project would be of great interest and I encourage you to submit.

As a word witch, an arcana witch, and a pagan, I cannot simply stand by while the movement to destroy the queer presence in our community gains traction and support. I am pansexual and I have recently come to terms with the reality that I am omnigender (or pangender), and the emotional and spiritual space I once felt at home with as a community is drastically shifting to a site of danger for those I love. I am choosing to abstain from submitting to Arcane Perfection because I have lived most my life to the world at large as cis-gender woman and I want to give priority to those voices who certain members of the pagan community are right now striving to erase from our circles.

So here I take my stand. I am an omnigender witch who believes trans lives matter, and I will do my part when hate speech arises to denounce it, argumentatively combat it, and will always welcome queer/trans/intersex people into my spiritual circles.

To all of my trans/queer/intersex siblings in the pagan community, I love you, and I want you around.

May this post stand against the bigotry and hate that wills to destroy you. We will not bend, we will not break, and we will be here when the waves rush over and the rain howls.

Arcane Perfection

(first cross post with my poetry blog, House of Glass Cards)

Update: Editor encouraged me to submit, so I am! And you should too!

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