Here is an idea for a spell I haven't executed, but I look forward to trying. I will post any thoughts or details that need to be curtailed for safety and/or practical reasons if anything sticks out in the execution of the project. Probably it would be best to preface that if you plan on using this idea, be sure to place the bottle when setting the wick on fire in a large, fire proof container in case the glass breaks from the heat (I have had that happen to me before with candles, so really, better safe than sorry, darlings)
1. Create a paper wick out while praying/chanting/raising energy/meditating (what ever method works best for you to execute your magic). Write on the wick your intent. Use sigils, sentences, verse, whatever works best for you. Make sure it is long enough to be lit and carry the flame all the way down to the bottom of the bottle of the bottle.
2. Grind up and charge herbs of your choosing which will work with your overall intent. I personally connect to the herb's energy (aka "spirit") and use smell texture, taste (be careful and read up on potentially toxic herbs before handling, please) to guide my choice. Only use enough herbs to cover the bottom of the bottle in a small layer. My concern is that if you put too much in the bottle, the flame will become over blown to the point it becomes dangerous to handle. I also plan on putting wood shavings in the mixture to help the herbs burn through, because I have had difficulty lately with my concoctions burning only halfway burning through, and when that happens, I usually end up staring at the incense burner like "IDK, MAN, DID IT WORK?" (teehee, it's always hilarious, I assure you).
3. While it burns, I plan on asking the spirits to open the ways so that fumes from the herbs will lead me into that place in the spirit world which will reveal which path/what is neccessary/what insight is needed to let the spell do it's work (in you, outside of you, and through you).
4. Where ever they lead me, I will write down the key images and messages that are made apparent there. I think these will be the keys to the spell's unwinding and release into the physical and spiritual body.
5. Always thank the spirits and gods and leave appropriate offerings. This is not a bribe, this is simply gratitude that they were kind enough to be with you in your journey and workings today. And even if they do not come, you honoring them for inspiring your work.
6. Be open to a lack of the god's and/or spirits interest in your aims and workings. If disinterest seems to be the case, you will have to use your will as the main mechanism which drives your intent through. Do not despair, your own agency is a star peaking through this cloudy night.
And I promise, sometimes, it is more than enough.
*this is an untried spell, but I'm writing it as a ritual outline for when I do execute it. If you do use anything in this post, exercise caution and common sense. Keep a fire extinguisher handy when dealing with fire. SAFETY IS VERY IMPORTANT.*
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