If anyone has been reading this, I have been undergoing a bit of a health crisis so blogging has had to be on hiatus for now. But I haven't stopped writing, and I hope to publish some of those insights before fall ends.
During this time, though recovery has been difficult, I have learned a great deal about what I want out of my practice, and find myself returning to the basics of witchcraft yet again with an emphasis on hedgecraft's journeying techniques and largely meditative work in general, with tinges of kitchen witchery sprinkled in between. These changes will probably be reflected in my blurbs and the overall intent of the blog in general.
It's funny, but I have finally realized that my interests swing quite wildly within the span of the year as I dive into multiple fields of interest within the craft and pagan theology in general. And yet, it seems, the more lavish I get with my practice, the stronger the urge comes to simplify. So I think I need to sort of reset, and hone what I find the most enjoyable out of my personal spiritual frame work.
Recently, I think I have come to an understanding that full on recon devotional work may not be the best fit. This conclusion has come from the fact that what I love about worship and honoring those deities and forces that pervade the universe is communion, not servitude, so I suppose it would be a great injustice to those of the recon devotee community to claim I am one when I make no great effort to observe any single one holiday or rites pertaining to those gods whom my path has brought me to. Deiphon, Noumenia, & Agaithos Daimon is still one monthly tradition from my hellenic studies that I want to keep with me (I also plan to continue the communal rituals posted on Elaion's facebook page as work and life permits), as my bond with the Theoi still infuses me with a great love for the ancient traditions which honored them. It's also a great set of monthly spiritual "reset" rituals as well as displays of gratitude for the health and success of the home.
So yeah, I am definitely falling back in stride with crystals, astral journeying, and even a bit of space witchery (I have been reading phaesphore's & cosmic-witch's writings on the subject, which are great sources, let me tell you :) ). So far what is great about this corner of the craft is emphasis of learning the science and discoveries we have made about the cosmos just as much as it is connecting to it spiritually. Science plus witchcraft definitely equals my cup of tea.
Plus, visiting the Parthenon replica in Nashville has yet again deepened the chords of yearning for communion with the gods in me, and I hope to be doing a tea party for the gods so to speak in the next week or so. That's alot of offering bowls, but after standing before the replica of the statue of Athena and feeling those echoes of power and divinity that flowed through her image, I definitely want to tap into that more, without losing myself in all the pomp and circumstance that tends to occur for me personally when I dive into devotional work. I accept that I am a hard, devotional polytheist with non-recon slants( i.e. honor the gods, love the gods, engage in ritual of reciprocity, but don't beat yourself up for not adhering to every little holiday on a calendar set around a much more worship oriented culture than the one you live in now). And I am learning to be okay with that.
Thank you for reading,